Mustang Run & Walk-a-Thon

Running horsesThursdayNovember 10, 2016 During the School Day

The Mustang Run & Walk-a-Thon is a fitness event for the entire school. Students and teachers will be training for the run in their PE classes leading up to the big day. On the day of the event, each class will have a scheduled time during the school day to run at least 30 minutes. Parent volunteers will track the laps run by each student, and hand out popsicles and water. All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle; they should wear hats and sunscreen if it’s sunny, or bring rain gear if it’s rainy.  Top running students will receive prizes!

While the Mustang Run & Walk-a-Thon is a whole school fitness event, it is also a great way to raise funds for MME. Students who choose to participate are encouraged to collect pledges or donations from friends and family based on the number of laps completed. Students either collect the donations after the run or donations can be made directly online. Top fundraisers will also receive prizes!

imgres-2MME is excited to partner this year with Apex Fun Run which will bring new physical education and character-building curriculum to our students – making this run MORE FUN!  Apex Athletes will begin with a school pep rally on November 1st, then your child will bring home their pledge kits and be encouraged to begin collecting pledges to benefit our great school.  The Athletes will visit classrooms on campus for two weeks pumping us up for our Mustang Run on November 10th with lessons of empowerment, learning, doing, giving, engaging, and never quitting!!  How do students participate in the fundraiser?

To learn more about ApexFun Run or log your pledges click here.


If you have any questions, please contact our
Mustang Run & Walk-a-Thon Committee Co-Chairs,

Claire Phillips at

Beth Hogan at