DnD Club–
Who: Any MME kiddo grades 2nd-6th (or adult volunteer)
What you need to join: Nothing! You can bring your own dice if you want: one each of a 20 sided, 12 sided, 10 sided, 8 sided, 6 sided, and 4 sided dice for a complete set. A character sheet is provided, and there is spare dice for those who need them. Upon joining, one of the adult facilitators will help the participant create their character.
When & Where: Fridays after school – starting at approximately 3:15pm – until about 4:00pm in Maestro Brickman’s room, F2, unless there is a school holiday. Don’t worry about missing a session, all stories and encounters are made with flexibility in mind.
How: Attendees are divided into groups of 3-6 players, who will proceed through smaller encounters with influence on a wider ranging environment, led by adult volunteers. Some groups can be led by volunteer 5th or 6th graders depending on their experience and interest in leading the story for a group. There is no set story, it is developed over time based on the actions and outcomes determined by the players.
Garden Club– Every sunny Wednesday DURING school lunch period. All grades on main playground (1st-6th) welcomed at the main garden. A garden volunteer will be there to talk garden, weed, prune, plant, pick, and generally care for the garden with students as it goes through seasonal cycles. Parent volunteers to help are welcomed!