Auction Participation

MME’s Auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year…and a really great party! 

While every school receives federal and state funds, it is simply not enough to pay for all the programs we want for our students and the supplies our teachers need. Our auction typically raises approximately 70% of the PTA’s budget each year, funding programs such as: circulo books; all field trip expenses; art, music and PE supplies; books for our library and classrooms; Montgomery Day (end of year school-wide event); and much more.

Last year, our auction revenue exceeded $52,000! With 350+ donations, 202 registered guests, 1,300+ raffle tickets sold and countless hours volunteered by many dedicated MME PTA members, it truly takes a village to pull off a fundraising event of this scale.

How can you help? 

  1. Solicitations – Throughout the year we’re actively seeking donations for our silent and live auctions. Local businesses you frequent, your students’ youth sports teams, and family friends are all great donation opportunities for MME!
  2. Attend! – Joining us at the auction (and bidding on items!) is a great way to get to know other MME families while supporting the school.

  3. Raffle – Students are sent home with raffle tickets over the holiday break. If every family bought or sold 15 tickets, we’d earn over $20,000 for our school!
  4. Drinks & Desserts – Our drink and dessert auction is one of our most popular auction traditions. We’re seeking MME families who can create a custom cocktail or dessert to be auctioned off during the event.
  5. Classroom Art Projects – The class art projects are some of our most popular auction items – and we need a parent from each class to lead the effort!

Thank you for all that you do for our students & for supporting the Auction!

2024 MME Auction “Our Hearts Beat For Montgomery”

2024 MME Auction Sponsors!


2024 MME Auction “Our Hearts Beat For Montgomery”