Become A Member

We hope each MME parent and teacher will support the PTA and participate in as many ways as possible, and at the same time, meet other parents and teachers and find out what is going on in our school. You can support our school without joining PTA by volunteering or donating, but we hope you will join. We are a pretty awesome group!

Spanish membership form –

English membership form –

The cost of membership is $12/person and is 100% tax deductible.

MME PTA supports all students, teachers and staff at Marguerite Montgomery Elementary. Even if you are not able to regularly attend meetings, the money raised will financially support: all our field trips, many campus programs, each-and-every classroom, our library, and science/art/music programs. Volunteers are critical to the success of all our programs, and fundraising efforts are ongoing throughout the year.  We will always welcome any parent or family member wanting to get involved – all talent, time, and effort are much appreciated!

Come check out the PTA — there are lots of opportunities to get involved this year.  If you have questions regarding membership, please contact Membership at

Thank you for supporting MME!